Skitch is a free app that enables you to annotate your screenshots
Do you ever desire to capture what’s on your computer screen and then annotate that screenshot? Then use Skitch.
Suppose you’d like to copy a workpaper from your computer screen and make a review note. And then you’d like to email the annotated picture to your staff. Or maybe you’d like to show a client a page from an electronic file (e.g., Excel spreadsheet), but you don’t desire to send the entire document. Skitch enables you to do this.
Click here to download Skitch (available for Windows or Mac). The app is free.
My twin brother (Harry Hall) and I critique each other’s blogs. Below you will see how I use Skitch to create annotated screenshots (that I provide to Harry).
How do I do this?
Create a Screenshot
First, I create a screenshot. Skitch provides me with the following options:
Annotate the Screenshot
Then I use the Skitch options to annotate the screenshot. Options include:
- Creating an arrow (to point with)
- Creating a box (to set apart selected information)
- Underlining key words
- Adding icons with pointer arrows (e.g., smiley face or a check mark)
- Highlighting words (as you would physically with a yellow highlighter)
- Scrambling words (so they can’t be read)
- Typing words
Below is a screenshot I took with Skitch, a page from my brother’s blog. On the right-hand side, you see the Skitch selection bar. If for example, I click the last option in the selection bar, I can insert an arrow on the screenshot.
Underline Key Words and Comment
In this example, I added–to the screenshot–an underline, an arrow, and the words “Underline words.”
Highlight Words
You can also highlight words on the screenshot.
Scramble Words
This last screenshot reflects how Skitch can be used to scramble words (in case you don’t want someone to read a part of the screenshot).
Learning to Use Skitch
I learned how to use Skitch by downloading the app and then just playing with it. The app is intuitive, so it’s easy to use.
Here’s a video that will also help get you started.
Project Management Guidance
If you are looking for ways to be a more efficient project manager (e.g., audits), check out my brother’s blog at
The post Use Skitch to Create Annotated Screenshots appeared first on CPA-Scribo.